Be a proud member of the International Bloggers Community! The rules are quite easy
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: Kak Buwel, Kak Ghielz
2. His/her site's title and url: ;
3. Date when you were tagged: April 20, 2009
4. Persons you tagged: kak onnie, Vyndha, ndyteen, kak yoyok, ppiyo ,kak badrun,kak tiyo,kak inuel
Wah maaf yaa aku baru bisa posting ini, aku ga ngerti tau tadinyaa hehehehehe

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.
7. Have Fun!
Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: Kak Buwel, Kak Ghielz
2. His/her site's title and url: ;
3. Date when you were tagged: April 20, 2009
4. Persons you tagged: kak onnie, Vyndha, ndyteen, kak yoyok, ppiyo ,kak badrun,kak tiyo,kak inuel
Wah maaf yaa aku baru bisa posting ini, aku ga ngerti tau tadinyaa hehehehehe
puti,,kemaren aku dah dapet awardnya,,makasih bgd yah,,kmu bikin award aku jadi dobel,,wehehehehe
selamat buat awardnya,walah inul yo kebagian tow
How about if I have nobody to tag? :(
selamat puti...semangat yaaaa
selamat yang dah dapet award...
well....welll...welll....adik ku yang satu keren banget....... i love you sister......
@inuel : iya kakak cantik. sama sama yaah :)
@sino : makasih kak sino :D
@b-learnings : kk kenapaa?
@buwel : wew, iya kakaak, makasih ya kakaknyaaa
@Blok C No 3 : :)
@Ghielz : WOGH dasaaaaaaaaar ga ikhlas banget sih hahahahahaha i love you too kaaaak
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